iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects

iLEAD Antelope Valley Studio Launches School-Wide Aeronautics Project

At iLEAD Antelope Valley, all grades (TK-8) are participating in a school-wide Soaring Aeronautics Project, which launched on Monday, February 12! Through this project, learners discover the engineering design process and learn about aerodynamics. The history of flight, anatomy of birds, current experimental gliders, and meteorology are woven in to extend and enhance knowledge, giving meaning to research and writing.

On Thursday, March 14, all iLEAD AV Studio learners will have a chance to interact with a full-scale glider on our campus and learn from glider pilots about flight controls, and families are welcome.

iLEAD AV Studio Glider on Campus

Finally, on Thursday, March 28, iLEAD AV Studio will host a school-wide Presentation of Learning Day. 

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