In November 2022, two DreamUp to Space Launch Teams from iLEAD California traveled to Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Team Yucca and Team Seagrass are made up of 5th-11th grade learners attending iLEAD Exploration and Santa Clarita Valley International Charter School. Both teams were invited to Kennedy Space Center to present their microgravity research on an experiment to be launched to the International Space Station the next day.
Learners created posters to represent their experimental questions and research. These posters served as visual tools as team members presented to members of the public at Kennedy Space Center.
Later that evening, Team Yucca and Team Seagrass gathered for an awards dinner to celebrate their achievements in the iLEAD DreamUp to Space Experiment Design Challenge. Presenters including Lauren Milord, Kathleen Fredette, and Shawna Melville shared their support and admiration for the learners and their determination to get their research experiment to space.
Congratulations, Team Yucca and Team Seagrass!