Quinn R
12th Grade
Principal Investigator
About Quinn
Hello! I’m Quinn Rigdon, a senior at SCVi and a proud member of Team Phyllostachys edulis (Bamboo Shoots). Our mission is to send bamboo seeds to space, with the ultimate goal of advancing research and deepening our understanding of life beyond Earth. I started as a TA in Mr. Prasch’s aerospace class, but my curiosity quickly grew, and I became eager to join the team. Submitting a proposal felt like an exciting opportunity, especially since my older sibling had been involved in this project a few years ago. I never imagined I’d be taking on this challenge myself, but it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience!

Sergio Vazquez R
12th Grade
Principal Investigator
About Sergio
I’m Sergio Vazquez. I am 18 years old, and I am a 12th grader at SCVi. I am proud to be a part of Team Phyllostachys edulis (Bamboo Shoots). One of my goals for this project is to investigate the growth characteristics of bamboo in a space environment, specifically examining its viability in a microgravity setting. We are particularly interested in understanding the physiological responses of bamboo to the unique conditions of space, including the absence of gravitational forces.
I am dedicated to pursuing a career in this field and have applied to universities known for their aerospace programs. The prospect of contributing to space exploration inspires me, and I believe this is just the beginning of an exciting journey.

Jonah O
12th Grade
Principal Investigator
About Jonah
I’m Jonah Onder, originally from Russia, and I am a 12th grader at SCVi, where I have been studying for seven years. I enjoy rock climbing, building LEGO sets, assembling Gundams, and exploring new places. This class has helped me discover a new interest in aerospace.

Madi F
12th Grade
Principal Investigator
About Madi
I’m Madi Fanning, a 17-year-old senior at SCVi High School and a proud member of Team Phyllostachys edulis (Bamboo Shoots). Our experiment aims to send bamboo seeds to space and study their growth in microgravity. I decided to help write a DreamUp proposal because, although I had been around the project for years, I’d never had the time to participate. Recently, I have developed an interest in the aviation and aerospace industries, and I believe this project could be beneficial to my academic career. Additionally, it will be an added bonus to my college applications when I apply to schools for aviation/aeronautical science.
I am Wyatt Nemeth, and I am a seventh grader at SCVi. I joined Team Bamboo because I wanted to learn about bamboo and the effect of microgravity on bamboo seeds and I like to do research projects about space. Outside of DreamUp to Space, I like to make comedy films with my friends.
Hi! My name is Kara Chan, and I am a 7th grader at SCVi. I am one of the team members on Team Phyllostachys edulis (Bamboo Shoots). I applied to join Team Bamboo because I wanted to be involved in the exciting process of sending another experiment into space. As the Principal Investigator of Team Brassica rapa (Bok Choy), I witnessed a historic moment when my last project for DreamUp was sent to the International Space Station last November 2023. I would like to continue to gain hands-on experience in the aerospace industry and work alongside passionate team members who share the same enthusiasm for space exploration. Our team goal is to find out how microgravity would affect the germination of bamboo seeds.
I love not only science but also math and am currently taking high school trigonometry/precalculus. One of my favorite subjects is ELA because I enjoy reading. I am also an active Girl Scout. In 2020, I sold the most cookies in the history of Girl Scouts of Orange County: 6,068 boxes.
One of my proudest achievements was being the youngest girl at my tae kwon do studio to earn a second-degree black belt. I have competed in several tournaments at my studio and ranked first and second place. I have also received a best technique trophy from my studio.
I am the oldest child of four in my family. I have two sisters and one brother.
Hello! My name is Arielle Mercado, and I am an 8th grader at SCVi.
I was originally a member of Team Peanuts, a finalist team chosen to present during our career path event at school. I applied to be part of Team Bamboo Shoots because it’s a huge dream to get hands-on experience in aerospace and send a project to launch. I can also bring back lots of new research skills to Team Peanuts, who are very excited.
In addition to science, my favorite subject, my other interests include music as well as equine sciences. During my academic decathlon for equine sciences, I placed first in my horseback riding organization, California Rangers. I also currently hold the title of the Gran Rodeo champion of Reno, Nevada, as well as grand champion of the western states drill team competition, WSEDTA. I am extra passionate about the equine world, and who knows? Maybe one day we will send horses to space!
Being a member of Team Bamboo Shoots will open many doors for me to continue to explore the aerospace industry, and my parents and I couldn’t be any more grateful and proud.