Real World Science and Design Thinking, the Hallmark of iSAP’s First Year “Genes In Space” Participants

We are pleased to announce that a select group of SCVi Upper School learners stepped up to the plate to represent iLEAD Schools in the National Genes in Space Competition. In close collaboration with Ebony Eggleston, their SCVi Upper School Science facilitator, and with a very short launch window, they were able to successfully author and submit four unique proposals!

The proposals include:

  • Growing, breeding and cloning of agricultural and plant nurturing specimen to exclude the cost of transporting the large animals. (Joseph Trpcic, Jullian Claro, Sam Fitzgerald, Trinity Grillet)
  • How do the plants from the CARA experiment affect the human body when consumed in an environment without gravity? (Zoe Pittman)
  • Do raised D-galactose levels pose any health risks for astronauts? (Blake Gilkey)
  • Growing lungs in space through the use of artificial gene synthesis using technology at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in conjunction with the International Space Station. (Gabriel Braunstein)

I am so proud of the high levels of critical thinking utilized as they developed their proposals in hope that their project attract the Genes in Space team for further research,” Eggleston said. “These young scientists sacrificed their free time for collaborations and meetings, during lunch, after school and their free blocks. Never once did I hear any complaints. Did I mention how proud I am of them?

She continued: “Whether or not they win this competition, they won by simply stepping out and taking a chance regardless of the time constraint. This takes guts and a lot of self-discipline. I am so happy that I had a wonderful opportunity to work with such an amazing group of individuals.”

A big shout out to Ms. Eggleston for her leadership and willingness to support these learners!


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